Sunday, August 12, 2012

The day we lost you

                                                                    photo by: KCK Photography

I cried for a few minutes (and maybe had a few outbursts) before I realized why my heart was aching so badly....three years...three years since our sweet Amelie Marie! 
The tears felt so good. . . . .a time to heal and be restored. 

Sweet girl, we grieved so hard for you last night. We held on tight and let ourselves feel the pain of your loss and it hurt so bad. We let it wash over us and penetrate our souls so that we can be stronger and cling to the Hope we have in Jesus; because when we grieve for you we can't help but yearn for something better. . . . something perfect. . . .something beyond our wildest dreams! 

Your life, though terribly short, has changed us and continues to change us over time. You are still a gift, my sweet Mia. To your life and loss God has given purpose and redemption that will last a lifetime. 

So we continue to hold fast to the one who gives and the one who takes. Blessed be the name of the Lord. 


Erin Stroup said...

We look forward to the day we get to meet our sweet niece Mia in heaven! Thank you for sharing Amy. Know that she is not forgotten by her auntie Erin and Uncle Paul.

Unknown said...

I admire you, Amy. You have a beautiful heart.

Holly said...

Yearning alongside you for something better, something perfect, something beyond our wildest dreams. Can't wait for the day we see it face to face. Love you friend!

Smee said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Amy and Chris. I had no idea. </3
God Bless her... and all of you.
~ Becky

Cynthia said...

Amy, I understand this grief all too well. Anxiously anticipating Heaven when we will be reunited with our babies! Praying for you!

The Lee Family said...

Love you all