Tuesday, September 27, 2011

25 weeks

I am now officially in my 25th week of pregnancy. There are days I think the time is flying by and there are days that are long and every little cramp or contraction MUST be a sign of something going wrong. I guess all the fear and concern is just going to be a part of me until the end.  

It's funny to look at this photo because I really don't feel as big as I look. Though, I've felt a significant amount of growth over the past 2 weeks for sure! I thought I was having a boy from the start and as you can see, my cheeks are starting to prove it! For some reason my face was the first thing to get bigger in my pregnancy with Micah and for this pregnancy it is no different.

Both Micah and Livia are anxious to meet the boy. They talk to my belly, give it kisses and rub it all day long. I'm pretty sure baby boy can hear them now because he usually jumps around at the sound of their voices. I don't think he'll have any problems keeping up with these two - seems like he's moving constantly - which has been reassuring for my nerves! 

15 weeks to go! 

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