Monday, September 21, 2009

More updates

Livie continues to grow and do well in the nursery. She is gaining weight, nursing AND feeding from a bottle! They removed her feeding tube this morning and it's nursing or bottle from here on out. We are thrilled by her progress! Such a strong little girl. She is surprising everybody. But, not us. She's got thousands of people praying for her and we are sure God's heart is moved as his people continue to intercede on her behalf. What a beautiful expression of the body of Christ. Here are a few recent pictures:

Livie meets her Papa

Papa is not so sure what to do with such a tiny little newborn
Our little cupcake
Nursing can take a lot of energy out of Livia, causing her temp to drop and setting her back. We are mixing it up with bottles (not as tiring) to give her some breaks. Daddy is lovin that!
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The Shoup Family said...

She's adorable! What a story for all of you!!! Quite a miracle.

Joy said...

Amy, she is absolutely beautiful. Just beautiful. My heart is with you, and I'm continuing to pray for you all.

Danielle said...

Way to go Livia! So glad that she is getting stronger and doing so well. We will continue to pray for growth and strength for her little body. And, of course we are praying for you and Chris as well as you try to balance all that life has for you right now! xoxo