Thursday, July 12, 2007

Moritz Family Introductions

This past week we had the opportunity to be in Colorado for a few days. Fortunately for us, both sets of parents live in Colorado Springs. Unfortunately for us, this always seems to make our stay in Colorado go faster and we are always wishing we had more time to be together and relax. But, we had a great time visiting both sides of the family and Micah especially enjoyed meeting his Aunties and Uncles (some of them for the first time!). I am going to write about my side of the family first so that this post doesn't seem abnormally long. :) Micah's first flight went surprisingly well. I thought I might have to frantically try to get him to suck on a pacifier so his ears didn't hurt, but he was fine the whole way up and the whole way
down. What a trooper!
Here is a picture (to the right) to document his first flight.

The next day Micah was able to meet his Uncle Kevin from California (left) (and reunite with his Auntie Joni!), he was quite amused with Kevin's faux hock and was all smiles! You can see a very proud grammy in the background!

Among the most eager to meet Micah were his Uncle Josh and Auntie Sarah, who are expecting Micah's first cousin in about 5 weeks! Our plan was to get Micah all fresh and clean on the morning of their meeting and bring him up to Josh and Sarah's room to meet for the first time, but wouldn't ya know, it was just like Christmas morn! Josh and Sarah (who usually don't wake up early on vacation) were up before 7AM looking excitedly for their new nephew! And what a joyful meeting it was! This was one proud Uncle Joker! Micah was able to spend lots of great time with family during our short time and he even got to meet the family dog, Molly, who seemed quite taken with him!

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