Friday, June 01, 2007


Micah is starting to smile at us and respond to our voices. There are no words to describe how satisfying this is! We have loved being Micah's parents thus far, but it is fabulous to finally get some interaction!
Being a stay at home mom has given me a much deeper appreciation for my own mother. I never thought it would be easy, but I never realized how intense it really is.
I've always envied stay at home moms, thinking they must have so much fun! Don't get me wrong, it is SO much fun, but it's also something you can never be prepared for. It is a 24/7 kind of job and as my wise cousin has said, "when you get the baby fed, he is safe and you get a shower, that is a good day, everything else is just bonus!" How true it is!
So this isn't my best photo, but Micah looks pretty good so I had to post it!

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