Wednesday, June 13, 2012

4 Months!

I didn't want to miss posting about Calvin's 4th month! He was 4 months on May 3 and growing like crazy!

4 month appointment:
Measured 26" (85%)
13 pounds 10 oz. (25%)

Calvin started sleeping through the night around 4 months, but that quickly came to a halt when he got his first teeth! He cut his first two teeth by the time he was 4 months and we've been teething ever since! It's crazy early to be teething, but we are hoping this means it will be over sooner.
He started rolling over at about 3 1/2 months (April 20th, to be exact!) and has been pretty active ever since.  

Calvin is quite taken with the siblings. He loves it when they get in his face and sing sweet songs to him. Micah is a huge help giving him his pacifier and being my "babysitter" when I'm making lunch or trying to get something done.

We're starting to adjust to life with three and loving our newest little addition!
He is really so much FUN!

1 comment:

The Lee Family said...

Teeth already! Wow! He is such a cutie :)